"And anyone who welcomes a child like this on my behalf is welcoming me" Matthew 18:5

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Spaghetti, Silent Auction, and Sass!

Mark your calendars everyone! Friday, October 14 is the date for our spaghetti supper and silent auction.  We are holding this awesome event at Golden Hills.  I am so excited.  My Midway ladies are really helping to pull this one together for us.  I have received numerous offers of help, so I thought I'd post some of the things we will need for this event.  If you are interested in donating, feel free!! We are going to make up some tickets to sell so we have an idea of how much spaghetti we will need to make.  Once I have those, I'll put the word out. 
The biggest and best thing you guys can do for me now is just spread the word about October 14 and bring all your friends and family! It is a family friendly event.  There will be a bar and music, but I would love to see kids there dancing it up and keeping us entertained.  Food will be served 7-8:30 for sit in or pick up.  During that time, bidding for the silent auction items will be going on.  Bidding will close at 8:30.  Then, we'll have a DJ or band (whatever we can get our hands on) to crank up some music and let the fun begin.  My "workers" will figure out the winners of the silent auction and we'll announce those around 10.  You won't have to be there to win, we'll give you a call. 
So, here's how you can help:

  • buy tickets to attend
  • get your friends to buy tickets
  • donate items for silent auction (services, baskets of goods, whatever!)
  • donate ZITI noodles, sauce, cheese, bread,
  • find me a band or DJ!
  • Buy tickets to attend and bring friends
  • bake yummies for the dessert bake sale
  • SHOW UP and BID on items
I'm hoping all this doesn't come off too "give us money".  We really really want this to be a fun time for our friends and family with the added benefit of funding our adoption.  As the details become more concrete, I'll let you know, but for now SPREAD THE WORD - OCTOBER 14!!
Recommending my blog to others will help keep everyone informed.  And really, this is riveting stuff :-)

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