Baby here. Read Mommy's blog and thought I should add my perspective. I had a lot to learn this year, since I knew nothing before. So here is what I have learned in my almost eight months of life:
1- Play dates -- They say these things are for babies, so we can get "socialized". Yeah, from what I can tell, they are really just an excuse for mommies (and sometimes daddies) to get together, gab, and more often than not, have a drink or two. What I have gathered is that they used to call these Happy Hour, but had to change the name when the kids came along.
2 - Crying -- Most of the time I have no idea why I am crying but I have figured out that when I cry, good things happen. For example, last night I wasn't tired so I cried. First daddy came in and rocked me. Then I still wasn't tired so I cried some more and mommy came in and took me to bed with them. SCORE!
3 - Baby Food -- What is this stuff?? It all tastes weird. All these flavors mixed together, more flavors than I have ever had in my life! And it does not look like what mommy and daddy are eating at all. Why can't I just have that?
4 - Snot -- I am not sure why mommy hates it so much. I can't help that I have so much of it. But any time there is the slightest drip she comes at me with the sucky thing and the tissues and sticks stuff in my nose! Come on MOM!
5 - Puppy Brother -- I love that guy. He lets me grab his face and pet him and he keeps coming back for more. And he is so funny looking!
6 - Aunties -- Evidently I have like 50 of them. They all have high pitched voices and are hilarious. They find themselves very funny which usually makes me laugh. But they always bring me prizes and snuggles so I am not complaining. Plus most of them are way more comfortable to lay on than mom.
These are just a few of the things I have learned. I will continue to advise mommy on her blogging so we can give you insight into both of our perspectives.
Baby - Out
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