"And anyone who welcomes a child like this on my behalf is welcoming me" Matthew 18:5

Friday, December 23, 2011

A different kind of prayer

We have been praying for weeks, months, years really, for God to bring a baby into our lives. When we decided to adopt, our prayer changed a little from help these treatments to work while keeping me healthy, to please help us prepare our hearts and home for a baby through adoption.  But it hit me the other day during a prayer, that while we so desperately want a baby, that baby will be coming from someone who is making the hardest decision.  Right now, there might be a girl, a woman, who is heartbroken over being pregnant.  What I have been praying so hard for, in an inadvertant way, is for someone else's pain.  Not a happy thought!! I know that for this to all work, God will have to work in this other woman's heart to help her make a decision that will bring such joy to our lives.  So, I have changed my prayer a little.  I still pray for a baby  and for the patience to wait for God's timing, but I am also praying for all the women out there who would not see pregnancy as a blessing, but a curse.  I pray that they have support and love from someone who can help them to see that that this difficult time can really end in a wonderful way.  I can't imagine what giving up a baby must feel like, but I hope that we can bring peace to someone's heart the way they will bring joy to ours.
I ask for all of you who have been praying for us and our adoption to please try to include that person who will be blessing us.  Pray that they have peace over their decision when the time comes. 
Thank you all and have a wonderful holiday season.  May God bless your families and the year to come!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Thanksgiving for remembering and laughing

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  I get to see family that I only see on the one holiday.  Everyone is grateful for what they have and where they are.  It's one of the few times a year that people can look beyond their complaints and hard times and really see how good God has been to them.  We have all had struggles and hard times, but in the end, sitting around with your cousins and aunts and uncles and parents and siblings, you can't help but realize how fortunate you are. 
This year, we found ourselves reminiscing about when we were young.  Now the all of my cousins have hit 20 and beyond, we are cherishing that time together even more.  Both sets of my grandparents have passed away, 3 of the 4 when I was young.  On my dad's side, I don't even remember my grandfather.  But we did spend some time remembering my grandmother.  She was such a great grandmom.  It's funny, how as a child you are lucky to really only see and remember the best stuff.  I know now, as an adult, that life with my grandmother wasn't always rosy, but with her grandkids - WOW! We have nothing but good memories.  Granny Jackie had this cool house with a rock garden.  Yep, a rock garden, and we used to look for rocks that she would use in it! She also had a sun bed in her bathroom.  It wasn't a tanning bed, but a little alcove that you laid in when you got out of the bath to dry off.  And she had all our heights measured out on the door frame at the top of her steps. 
It hit me this year that we are starting to make those memories for our children.  My sister has one kid and my cousin has a one year old now.  Hopefully we'll be adding more to the mix in the coming year.  And we are making those memories.  Our kids will remember spending those special Thanksgivings at my aunts house where my uncle refers to the women as "womenfolk" and pretends we have our "place" in the kitchen.  They'll remember my dad sitting out on the porch smoking his pipes enjoying the quiet.  They'll remember looking at the leaves and squirrels and acorns with my mom and my aunt.  They'll remember being on a cooking team to help prepare the Thanksgiving meal.  They'll laugh about the games we play on the Friday after Thanksgiving, or the movie we choose to go see.  They'll read books and play ping pong and take more pictures than they dreamed possible.  And then years from now, they'll say, "Remember when we used to ..." 
Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the things going on around us and the logistics of how we'll make things happen, that we don't really enjoy the things that are happening.  This road to our adoption has seemed long and slow to me, but there has been so much encouragement and love that paved the way for us.  We will be able to look back on this time and say, "Remember when it was just us and we hoped and prayed so hard to fill our home..." 
So, I want to continue this time making memories and savoring the laughs we have.  If there's one thing my family is great at, it's laughing.  And who wouldn't want to remember that. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

The nursery

After spending hours at IKEA, mom and I found a crib... and several other things.  I really didn't know what I wanted going into this shopping trip.  We looked at a few cribs around Columbia a couple of weeks ago, then travelled up Charlotte Sunday.  This was my first trip to IKEA stateside.  And I was quite impressed.  The first sign of trouble was Mom saying to me, "We can buy anything!" Bad sign!
But it turned out well.  I did get some good stuff for the house including the crib.  I went simpler than planned, but it saved us a bundle.  Now, I have to figure out how to motivate my hubby to help put it together.  I also need to find my own motivation to sand and paint the dresser we will be using.  I have a dresser that was handed down from my parents, which my dad says was handed down from his parents.  It will make a perfect dresser and changing table.  My plan is to paint it a sand color.  We bought textured sand colored paint for the bottom drawer.  We are going to decorate it with shells and some other cute beachy things.  I finished touching up the paint on the walls and ceiling tonight.  I can't imagine if I was pregnant and had to leave all this stuff to Mark!!
So, we have the crib, we have the dresser/changing table, we have the pictures and sea creatures for the wall... Now to find the time to put it all together.
I am hoping we hear from the social worker soon.  You'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now to stop praying for patience.  After all we went through over the last couple of years, my friend Tammy told me you shouldn't pray for patience, something that would have been good to know a while back :-) But, I still find myself praying to be patient and accept God's timing.  His plan is my plan and His plan is the best plan.  So, all in good time...


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Well on our way!

Last night was so amazing!! I still cannot believe the turnout.  We were blessed to be surrounded by our family, friends, and coworkers for a really fun time.  The night started with dinner and drinks and a jam-packed silent auction.  People were eating and bidding and talking.  There were kids running around the putting green outside.  After the bidding wrapped up, we thanked everyone and announced the winners.  People got some great deals on spas, salons, tutoring, books, lottery tickets, and much much more.  Then we danced and just enjoyed the evening. 
My coworkers did a phenomenal job on the organization of the event.  The food was yummy, the desserts were out of this world, and the entertainment was great.  Overall, it was a great event.  And, I'm sure everyone is wondering, how successful was it?? Well, we raised...


Our next step in the process is the home study visits.  We are just waiting on our social worker to call and set these up.  Bethany has all of our application stuff.  So we wait.  Hopefully we will hear something soon and we can jump this hurdle too!
So, for now, I just want to wrap up by thanking as many people as I can remember who donated to the auction last night and made it so successful!
Thank you...
Miss Cocky
Discovery Flight
Bliss Salon
Bewitched Salon
Griffin Pools and Spas
Hope Bryant
Lindsay Kenney
Mandy Stroud
Jonna Howell
Laura Alexander
Susan Douglas
Kiki Wooley
Miryam Malpartida
Kelly DeShazo
Pivotal Fitness
Bodyshop Athletics
Anytime Fitness
There's definitely more and I'll add them.  But right now my eyes are closing.  Mark and I followed up our big night with the Mud Run this morning, so we are wiped out.
Thank you everyone!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

It's coming along...

What's that you ask? Well, a couple of very exciting things!!
We got our nursery painted this weekend.  Just a few touchups still needed because my painting skills do leave a little to be desired, but the bulk is done.  We went with a color that is light blue, called stillness.  I think that bodes well, right?
 Primed and ready

 Some pictures Mom and Dad got for the nursery on their cruise up the New England coast.
Found this print in the Bahamas by an artist from Clemson.

And the second thing to be super excited about is our upcoming Spaghetti Supper and Silent Auction.  Next Friday is the day! We have some awesome stuff to bid on, like a weekend in Cherry Grove, a Nook, several fun baskets, gift certificates for the Body Shop and Pivotal Fitness, and wine.  There is so much fun stuff going on.  I am just hoping we have lots of people come and eat some baked spaghetti/ziti, have a few drinks, and just have fun.  I want to see kids and grown ups alike having a fun Friday night raising money for our baby.
On that note, where do we stand?
All our paperwork is in.  We are just waiting now on our home study to start.  Our social worker should be contacting us this month to set up those visits.  Fingers crossed, by the end of October, we'll be baby ready!
Now if I could just find the time to go shopping!

Email me, call me, or message me to let me know if you want to join the fun Friday night.  We need a count of who's coming, so even if you don't pay in advance, just let me know you are coming so I can get a count.  Need to know how much food to make!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Nursery

I have finally wrapped my brain around designing a nursery.  We are going with a beach theme.  The beach is my absolute favorite place and I can design away without knowing if we are getting a boy or girl.  I have narrowed paint colors down to two, one a little more green, the other blue.  I am really excited about this and have been burning up Pinterest with ideas.  Now I have to get out there and actually shop!! I went to a huge consignment sale and ended up almost in tears.  That was definitely not my scene :-) It's a great place for bargains but you really need to know what you want before you go in there.  I did come out with a floor mat and a Gamecock goodie bag, as well as an adorable USC outfit for my niece. 
My next step is to hit up IKEA.  The only piece of furniture we plan to buy is a crib.  I have a dresser that belonged to my parents that I will repaint and use as a dresser and changing table.  I also want an adirondak rocker.  So my challenge there is to find one I like that doesn't cost an arm and a leg!
If you've got any good ideas, please share! I'll add pics as we actually put my vision into reality.
And if you aren't on Pinterest, you should check it out.  I have finally (almost) figured it out and have added a ton of ideas to my kid room board. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Spaghetti, Silent Auction, and Sass!

Mark your calendars everyone! Friday, October 14 is the date for our spaghetti supper and silent auction.  We are holding this awesome event at Golden Hills.  I am so excited.  My Midway ladies are really helping to pull this one together for us.  I have received numerous offers of help, so I thought I'd post some of the things we will need for this event.  If you are interested in donating, feel free!! We are going to make up some tickets to sell so we have an idea of how much spaghetti we will need to make.  Once I have those, I'll put the word out. 
The biggest and best thing you guys can do for me now is just spread the word about October 14 and bring all your friends and family! It is a family friendly event.  There will be a bar and music, but I would love to see kids there dancing it up and keeping us entertained.  Food will be served 7-8:30 for sit in or pick up.  During that time, bidding for the silent auction items will be going on.  Bidding will close at 8:30.  Then, we'll have a DJ or band (whatever we can get our hands on) to crank up some music and let the fun begin.  My "workers" will figure out the winners of the silent auction and we'll announce those around 10.  You won't have to be there to win, we'll give you a call. 
So, here's how you can help:

  • buy tickets to attend
  • get your friends to buy tickets
  • donate items for silent auction (services, baskets of goods, whatever!)
  • donate ZITI noodles, sauce, cheese, bread,
  • find me a band or DJ!
  • Buy tickets to attend and bring friends
  • bake yummies for the dessert bake sale
  • SHOW UP and BID on items
I'm hoping all this doesn't come off too "give us money".  We really really want this to be a fun time for our friends and family with the added benefit of funding our adoption.  As the details become more concrete, I'll let you know, but for now SPREAD THE WORD - OCTOBER 14!!
Recommending my blog to others will help keep everyone informed.  And really, this is riveting stuff :-)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

One step closer

We are one step closer to a baby today.  Yesterday we attended Bethany's all day training session.  We heard from a lawyer, a financial planner, the social workers, two adoptive couples, and a very powerful story from a birth mom.  It was a long day, but so good.  We met couples from all over SC who are planning to adopt.  There was 12 couples total - our competition :)  They are currently waiting on DSS to send over our background checks.  Then we will move forward with our home study.  That will entail first a visit to our house with the social worker.  Then we will go to their office for individual interviews.  Lastly we'll have one more interview at our house.  Once those are complete, we will be officially "waiting".  In the meantime I'll begin working on our "Dear Birthmother" letter and photobook. 
I loved hearing from the birth mom.  She told her story of getting pregnant and giving up her baby and all the emotions she felt and  still feels.  It was amazing.  And the two couples who adopted had the most precious little ones!
The lawyer broke the news to us that we will have legal fees to pay in addition to the $17,500 we are paying Bethany.  So our grand total is now around $21,000.  But, I know the Lord will provide for us as he already has in so many ways.
My friend Sharon and her husband Brian had a yard sale in Arizona today and raised over $1200.  Here are the pics she sent me. 

Next up for AdoptaMixon is the spaghetti dinner and silent auction.  I am so excited about this! We have some great stuff coming in to bid on and it's gonna be a BLAST! Going tomorrow to look at our possible venue, then hopefully we get a date nailed down this week.  And we have coozie's being made so everyone will want to wrap their drinks in those little gems :-)
So much going on!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Formal application complete... on to the next step

We got our formal application complete and turned in today!! After filling out numerous papers, getting drug tested, TB tested, writing our personal testimonies, doing our health histories, filling out our cash flow, and various other papers, we got it all turned in today. 
Our next step is to attend the training session on August 26.  This is an all day training that they said will cover lots of stuff.  I think we will meet our social worker and hopefully get going on that. 
I ordered 100 prints from Snapfish, so once I get the info on our photo book I think I may hit up some creative person to do the book for me :-) Scrapbooking is not my  strength. 
We are very excited to be moving to the next step.  We have a couple of fundraisers in the works as well, so stay tuned.  We'll be scheduling our Adopt-a-Mixon Nights Out and our "Completing our family puzzle" coming up.
On another note, my little fur baby had his teeth cleaned and one extracted today.  I was a little nervous because he had to be put to sleep, but he is fine and his breath is actually tolerable for the first time I can remember!! Baxley had an allergic reaction to something this week, but he has recoverd as well.  So both the fuzzy faces at our house are doing well!!
I am including pics from our yard sale since I haven't done that yet.
School has started back, so we are in for a busy few months!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Oh the paperwork!

We have submitted part 1 of our formal application with Bethany.  We are currently working on the paperwork and I am amazed by the amount of information we have to give.  We have medical records to submit, financial statements, pages of personal information, our testimony, a letter to the birthmother for the website, the photo book to highlight us, and it goes on.  We have to have drug tests and TB tests.  We have to get recommendations from family and friends and our church.  It is a little daunting considering how much work I am also doing for class.  We'll get it done though, and submitted by August 19. 
The photobook will be the most work, I think.  Finding the time to go through eleven years worth of pictures and find the ones that really say who we are... hmmm.  So, I'm throwing out a request.  If you have a great picture of us, send it my way.  Some of you, many of you, have been around as long as we have been us, so surely there are some pictures you have that would be good ones. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

It takes a village...

They say it takes a village to raise a child, well this village is well prepared!! Our village raised $3300 at our yard sale today and yesterday! WOW!
My girls worked so hard to get ready and it all paid off.  I'll upload the pics of the house when my sis gets them to me, but let me say that you have no idea the amount of stuff we had unless you saw it.  Every room in the house was packed with stuff.  We started yesterday around 10:30am, and finished up about 7:30.  Mark and I took our diligent workers out to dinner to thank them. Then we were back at it at 7am this morning.  We finished packing everything, sending off the donations, putting the things to save in the garage, and getting the house back in order by about 2:30.  And here you see the results...

Yep, our boys are passed out!! They worked hard this week, picking up items, taking care of kids, and just supporting us as we set up, organized, and prepared for this event!
There isn't much more to say than wow! I can't wait to upload the pics from the sale.  We had a couple of ladies spend almost $500 on stuff.  We had other people donate out of pure generosity.  This has been an wonderful experience.  We appreciate everyone who came out to shop or donate, those who prayed for the success of this event, and those who were with us the last two days making this the success it was.  We are so blessed!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Out of the mouths of babes!

It's finally yard sale day!! My girls have worked so hard to make this weekend successful, so even if we didn't sell a thing, I know once again how blessed we are with friends who love us.  Thank you to everyone for your generous donations of things to sell.  Thank you especially to Melissa, Irish, Lindsay, Sarah, and Mandy who have given so much of your time and resources.  I hope you all know how much it means to me that you are my friends.
     I want to share a couple of stories before the sale begins today because I feel like we'll have more to come and I don't want to forget these...
The first is one about a teacher friend.  She emailed me to tell me she had left some things in my room for our yard sale.  She said there was also an envelope in there with a donation.  Her son, who goes to our school, had a lemonade stand and wanted to donate some money to us! He gave us 10 of his hard earned dollars! It's my favorite $10 right now.
     Another friend, who I have known most of my life, dropped off some things while I was in class yesterday.  She said there were a couple of things her daughter had given us, including 4 items she picked out especially to give us and some money because she really wanted us to get the baby we wanted.  Then my friend sent me a message later and as she was explaining why we were doing this yard sale to her kids, the same little girl said, " What if the babies go on clearance?" 
    Madi--- I hope they do!!
I'll continue to share these stories because I really think children have it figured out.  They give because it's in their heart and they don't think twice about it.  I hope that I can raise our baby with as giving and compassionate a heart as these two ladies have!!
Wish us luck, pray for our success, and come shop over the next two days!! 137 Knotts Rd. Lexington

Friday, July 8, 2011

The good, the bad, and the beachy...

So, we drove up from Edisto today to attend our first information session with Bethany.  It was very informative and that is the required first step in this process.  It wasn't too much new information, since obviously I have been stalking their website for weeks.  But, it was nice to put a face with the names and get the information.  We then drove back to Edisto for our last night with our friends here at the beach.  It has been a great week! We have played games, gotten lots of sun, and just enjoyed ourselves.  The one minor hitch was when we got an email from Bethany earlier this week saying that as of July 1, the fees have increased to $17,500.  But I am continuing to have faith in my God, my husband, and our wonderful friends that the money will be there when we need it.
Our next step is to begin working on the formal application, which I think is currently sitting in my inbox, and the home study.  We have to give them all kinds of info from medical history to underwear size ... just joking about that last part. :-)
Our yard sale will be going this week, and we have had lots of generous donations! If you are reading this and  you want to bring some stuff over, just let me know and I can make arrangements to pick it up.
Also, Melissa Lea is still selling the Carolina flag over the State House prints and donating half the cost to our fund.  Her info is in a post below. 
That's about all for now.  Dinner's ready and I want to enjoy this last night of vacay!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Mixed Feelings...

So today I am feeling very nervous and just ... less than my normal hopeful.  We are barely into this process and I am so worried we won't be able to pay for it!! Then, talking with Lindsay and Mandy, I was saying that I definitely couldn't set up a nursery and then just let it sit there while we wait, walking by it every day.  But, in thinking it over, I guess it's something we need to consider since a baby could come at any time.  I have heard of several families who have gotten the call just days before the baby was born.  I'm trying have the faith and trust in God's plan, but today is one of the harder days.  I know it's just a mood, and I should probably stop watching 16 and Pregnant on MTV, bc it's just making me angry :-)
I do appreciate all the support and love we have gotten so far in all this.  That's what I'll think about!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Calling all Gamecock fans!

My friend and photographer Melissa Lea has partnered with us to raise funds.  She took photos of the Gamecock flag on top of our State House last year.  The photographs will be printed as 11" x 14", you choose black and white or color.  The price is $30, with half the proceeds going to the Adopt-a-Mixon fund. 
Here is her blog: http://melissaleaphotography.com/blog/. Below are just a few of the photos.  For the full gallery, click on this link:
If you are interested in ordering a print from here or one from Melissa's gallery, email her at  melissa@melissaleaphotography.com and just mention that you are ordering to support our adoption.  She will take care of the prints and getting funds to me.  She'll give me the prints and I'll get them to you! Thank you for supporting us and hopefully we'll see this flag up again in a couple of weeks!! Go GAMECOCKS!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What to expect when you are... adopting

I am thinking many of you are curious about what will be happening over the next few months in this adoption process.  I thought I would give a quick overview of what I know.  Just remember, I haven't attended the information session  yet, so this is based on the paperwork and what I have seen and heard from others adopting. 
First, we have filled out our preliminary application with Bethany Christian Adoption Agency.  We have been accepted, and invited to attend the information session on July 8.  There are few things that could get us to leave the beach early, but this is it!!
So, we'll go to the session to learn more info.  Then, we will begin our home study process and full application in July.  We are waiting until then so we have some time to save the money.  These two things will cost about $1800. 
After the home study is complete we'll pay another $1500 for admin and marketing fees.  I think we'll have to compile a scrapbook of us to present to birth mothers. 
Then we wait! The birth mothers choose who they want to place their child with, so we will pray that there is a good match for us soon.  You all know how patient I am (note sarcasm for those who don't know me), so I'll be praying for a birth mother really hard! At the point we are placed, we will owe at least $11000. 
So, that's the overview as I know it.  You can see the need for our fundraisers I'm sure!!
God has blessed Mark and I with the most generous friends and family so I know the funds will be there when we need them.  I just have to learn to remember that ALL the time.  I have already seen how great everyone is. 

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Journey Begins... it's real!

So, I've always thought I would adopt a child.  I can remember in college thinking I wasn't even sure I wanted to have my own baby.  But, as all our friends started having their own and I got to see the joy in creating this little life, I thought, hmmm, okay, maybe I'll give that a shot.  Well, give it a shot I did, literally.  I gave myself numerous shots to try to make this happen and it wasn't in God's plan.  I am definitely at peace with that and we both feel good about adopting.  But now it's getting so real!! Openly discussing with people, sharing what we've been going through over the last two years, and now facebooking and blogging about it all is so unnatural.  I'm defintely a talker, but not much of a mushy sharer. 
However, our friends and family have been lifting us up in so many ways I don't want anyone to be in the dark about this amazing journey we are embarking on! I am so nervous about it all.  I feel confident God will provide for us financially, but the idea of raising at least $15,000 is daunting.  I have no idea why it has to be so expensive to take a baby who needs a good home and give it one.  But, it is what it is.  So here we are, brainstorming fundraising ideas with the help of my amazing planner friend, Melissa.  We are her guinea pigs for a nonprofit organization that helps couples with fertility issues raise money for adoptions... Adoption Angels, Inc.  Cute, right?
Anyways, I'm going to use this blog to promote ourselves and share our fears, exciting moments, and whatever else needs sharing! Welcome to our journey :-)