"And anyone who welcomes a child like this on my behalf is welcoming me" Matthew 18:5

Friday, December 23, 2011

A different kind of prayer

We have been praying for weeks, months, years really, for God to bring a baby into our lives. When we decided to adopt, our prayer changed a little from help these treatments to work while keeping me healthy, to please help us prepare our hearts and home for a baby through adoption.  But it hit me the other day during a prayer, that while we so desperately want a baby, that baby will be coming from someone who is making the hardest decision.  Right now, there might be a girl, a woman, who is heartbroken over being pregnant.  What I have been praying so hard for, in an inadvertant way, is for someone else's pain.  Not a happy thought!! I know that for this to all work, God will have to work in this other woman's heart to help her make a decision that will bring such joy to our lives.  So, I have changed my prayer a little.  I still pray for a baby  and for the patience to wait for God's timing, but I am also praying for all the women out there who would not see pregnancy as a blessing, but a curse.  I pray that they have support and love from someone who can help them to see that that this difficult time can really end in a wonderful way.  I can't imagine what giving up a baby must feel like, but I hope that we can bring peace to someone's heart the way they will bring joy to ours.
I ask for all of you who have been praying for us and our adoption to please try to include that person who will be blessing us.  Pray that they have peace over their decision when the time comes. 
Thank you all and have a wonderful holiday season.  May God bless your families and the year to come!

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